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St. George Hotel Jerusalem

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Tel: +972 2 627 7232

Fax: +972 2 627 7233

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Address: St George Event Hall and Convention Center, 34 Salah Elddin Street

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St George Event Hall and Convention Center

A historical building that was constructed in the fifties. Originally designed to be a cinema, named Al -Hambra, one of Jerusalem’s landmarks between 1952 and 1989. VIP guests and celebrities locally and internationally enjoyed watching movies at this 2200 Sq. m venue that also included a major hall and VIP compartments. After 20 years of closure the hall was renovated and modernized by the Jerusalem Tourism Investment Company LTD. The Hall was re-opened under the name Al-Hambra Palace, as one of Padico’s projects in Jerusalem city. It was the venue for many celebrations and social events.

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